After taking a couple of years off, I’m back to riding for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to support a cause close to my heart. I got involved back in 2012 in support of my son’s godfather who was diagnosed some years ago and thru conversations with you have learned how many others are impacted by…

Key New Feature Launches on Xfinity X1
Developments in the experience of TV with recently launched features on Xfinity X1.

Breaking Into Product Management
Interested in Product Management but not sure how to get started, or how to transition from your current role? Read some of the various ways others have made the leap, and how you can do it yourself.

Product Management Concepts for Better Personal Finance
Whether you’re in your twenties and just beginning to save, or managing the household finances for a family of twelve, I’ve found nine different tricks from my profession as a Product Manager that can make personal finance a more seamless and efficient process for anyone.

The World Is NOT Silicon Valley
The best business practices in the world are worth nothing if those implementing them don’t have a deep understanding of their market. In the early 2000’s, when eBay went to do battle in the Chinese e-commerce market, a summer in Shanghai taught me this first hand.
8 Ideas For Tesla’s Next Software Update
With Tesla’s software updates, my car is better today than it was three years ago, the day I bought it. That being said, I’ve got a list of things that I’d love to see Tesla improve in the UX.
The Power of Asking For Help
Why do we often wait until we’re desperate to seek outside help in our work? Asking for help should be just another step in our process — one that happens early on.

Designing A Work-life Balance in The Bay Area
Despite a heavy travel schedule, a long commute, and being in a competitive field – I’ve found a few tricks to keep a balance that works well for me and my work-life.

Why Should Leadership Replace Our Personality?
People come in all shapes and sizes. How does your individual personality enhance your leadership?
When to Ask Forgiveness and Secretly Build a Product Anyway
Don’t let your organization kill your next baby tiger. Learn from an example when keeping secrets at work paid off for everyone.