After taking a couple of years off, I’m back to riding for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to support a cause close to my heart. I got involved back in 2012 in support of my son’s godfather who was diagnosed some years ago and thru conversations with you have learned how many others are impacted by MS.

This year I’m captaining a team again rallying some other folks at my R&D center in Sunnyvale to join the hundreds of other Comcasters around the country who ride for this cause. I plan to join the long ride from San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge, up the coast and into the Sonoma wine country (90 miles on Sept 21, 2019).
Many of you have supported me in years past, together raising a total of $8500 which I appreciate and am kindly asking for your help again this year:
- Make a tax-deductible donation to Bike MS and investigate if your employer offers a matching program. My goal is $2500.
- Want to ride yourself? Join my team (open to all) or let’s hit the road on a training ride one day.
- Cheer me on… follow my training on Strava. I’m lucky to be working in Peloton rides this year in addition to regular road training so maybe join me there (@StrongerPreston).
Your support will go toward treatment and cutting-edge research to both stop and reverse the damage done to the nervous system by this disease.

UPDATE 8/30/19:
We held a fundraiser at Comcast in support of our cycling team called “Whip on MS” where we invited folks to buy “pies” to throw at us riders and leaders. Lots of fun and we raised over $1400 for the team in just 2 hours. Here’s me taking one for the team…
UPDATE 9/22/19:
We’ve blown past my fundraising goal raising $3,275 to date (donations accepted for another couple weeks). I felt GREAT riding the 90 miles this weekend and even PR’d vs. my younger self’s previous rides. Guess that Peloton thing is working. 🙂
Here’s my ride on Strava: