When your team works as hard and long on a project, like the experience we built for the 2018 Winter Olympics, its nice to step back and see what those outside your company think of what you shipped. And even better if it’s positive. 🙂 Here’s a roundup of my favorite clippings so far:
Engadget sat down at CES and offered a balanced view of the exclusive features that XFINITY customers will get on X1 and Stream App for the Winter Games.
Xfinity customers will get a ton of Winter Olympics content next month https://t.co/XzVhKHjFaK
— Engadget (@engadget) January 17, 2018
Forbes piece highlighting our new virtual Olympics channels which dynamically pull together the best around key topics and sports which the journalist defined as “…the result feels like the future.” Article talks about blurring the lines between traditional TV and streaming.
Comcast's New Xfinity Platform Blurs Streaming Media, Live TV, Internet, Apps…And Smart Home Hub via @forbes https://t.co/bGiXeGg6gp#OTT #streaming #xfinity #comcast
— John Koetsier (@johnkoetsier) January 18, 2018
From one Olympics fan to another, Gear Diary highlighted how if you have XFINITY X1 “your experience is about to jump to a whole new level!”
Xfinity X1 Loves the Olympics Like a True Sports Fan! https://t.co/YZ2ytAdc9X
— GearDiarySite (@GearDiarySite) January 17, 2018
With my friend and neighbor Jim Kozimor announcing Curling for NBC I was thrilled to see Bloomberg pickup on how our virtual channels are a great way to catchup on one of the most unique of Olympic sports.
Can't wait for curling? Comcast has an Olympics playlist for you https://t.co/jjQWUHslhB pic.twitter.com/G8GlqaXSaW
— Bloomberg (@business) February 7, 2018
CNET also zeroed in how our editors and algorithms will play the role DJ in how we curate Olympics Channels much like Spotify does music.
Comcast wants to be your Winter Olympics DJ https://t.co/pkV27VA2ar
— Joan E. Solsman (@joan_e) February 8, 2018
I really enjoyed this lively podcast interview of my good friend Vito Forlenza around what sports we expect to be popular and what we together learned from the Rio Olympics experience.
Interview: Vito Forlenza on Comcast’s Innovative Winter Olympic XFINITY X1 Viewing Experience https://t.co/jabWufPwWg pic.twitter.com/FiO3OfT0UB
— HollywoodChicago.com (@hollywoodchi) February 7, 2018
Variety grasped the key behavioral change we’re seeing in PyeongChange of Voice Searching. We are seeing nearly 50% of all traffic to the Olympics Home screen come from the X1 Voice Remote… up 2X from Rio in 2016. Voice searching is just so natural it’s becoming dominant.
[developing story – will likely ad more as games progress]