How to use a Bullet Graph to show your lean-startup metrics (AARRR) in a more accessible way than the typical funnel chart.
People like Facebook. People use Facebook. People love Instagram. Om Malik
My favorite visual of the Instagram $1B acquisition today.
Mobile Web Consumers in the US now spend more time each day on their phone than any other device, including their TV.
Smartphones now used by a majority, up 36% from just 9 months ago.
Age is more deterministic than Income for smartphone ownership. Even those 18-24 making less than $15K a year own a smartphone is very high numbers.
“Everybody’s Doing It” is not an Excuse
“Everybody’s Doing It” is not an Excuse My blog post today on the debate over iOS app access of address books.
Join the Movement. Talk to your congressperson and senator.
My Next Audi: The Self-Driving A2 I love my little A3 TDI but with this week’s NTSB’s recent recommendation to ban portable electronics, I’m yearning for a car that can drive itself. So I was thrilled to read today about Audi’s concept for a semi-autonomous A2. Its the natural evolution from today’s adaptive cruise control…
Discovered this facinating visual history of Apple (by PopChartLab) and the background on creating the infographic (by FastCoDesign). It’s so interesting how complicated their product-line became during the early 90s when the company struggled so much and how much it focused upon Steve Jobs’ return.