Site icon Preston Smalley

The significance of moves

In April 2004 my wife and I bought our first home after renting an apartment for the first couple years of our marriage. It marked an important step in our lives and I believe firmly established the concept of “home” for the two of us. Moves, as with any change, can be an emotional time for all involved as you say goodbye to the past and look forward to the future.

You may have read in the NY Times today all of us at eBay Marketplace will be moving next month. As the move my wife and I made several years back–this move is significant. It marks a turning point in our organization and is meant as a catalyst for the new, more cross-functional way we are approaching our business.

As boxes are packed and familiar suroundings are left, we must remember the past but more importantly look to the future. Now… where did I put the masking tape.

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